Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Monsters don't scare me

I wrote this in response to a conversation I had with a friend. Well, it's not necessarily a response if I never showed it to them, but maybe someday they will come across it.

I see someone who is sad.
Someone who doesnt want to pass it on
for fear it will spread...
like a plague.

In a way I understand
Yet it doesn't mean I see you that way.
All these things open my eyes
But not to see you in a bad light

A deaf man can hear music, maybe not like us
But music from the inside.
As a blind man can see what we can't
Our five senses only give us so much

I see you as a person
thoughtful enough to warn me what may be ahead
Ample time to change my direction and walk a safe distance...
Only to hurt more that I listened

People hurt people everyday
Friends care enough to warn
But why would I walk all this way
to turn around and feel forlorn?

I dont see you as a monster
it's only how you see yourself
I'd rather be sacraficing myself
Than missing this 'monster' more everyday.


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