Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Memory Lane

I wrote this sometime in March about a stroll I took with my friend. Though I wrote it quite a while ago, the contents are almost general enough to apply to lovely strolls nowadays. Either way, when you relate it to something in your life, the poem has that much more meaning. Enjoy =D

Brisk, gray day
Nicest none the less
The sun always got in my eyes, anyway
And the heat distracts the mind
We stroll a path we both know
No one leads, no one follows
We walk side by side
And we talk about many things
We laugh and we smile
We bond with our whole hearts
As we connect with our words
Deep in conversation, opens up the soul
Bare all, you've seen it before
Nothing new, nothing more
You see me as I truely am, no barriers or fun mirrors
You see past all the confusing signs, web, waterfall of tears.
And you, I see you with your mind, heart, and soul
Poured out like cereal into my cupped hands, tightly sealed like a bowl.
You're full of helpless love, romance, passion seeping through the seams
It's quite cloudy and dark out, but your eyes do gleam
They gleam with unconditional love, incredible love, so distinct you can taste it
It's a taste too sweet for me but just right for her.
My stomach can barely handle it
But the flavor so rich and fresh,
I lick the spoon anyway
And here we are in our simplest state
Complexities set aside
We let the rain fall on our face
We see from the inside
I didn't notice just before
Our faces were dripping wet
I was distracted by your words
And where the thought and sound met.
We kept walking despite the chill
As we talked, forgot it all together.
Round and round the block we go
Closer and farther from home we are
Lost in our thoughts, we walk hand in hand
To a familiar place in our memories.
We're safe and warm in this place called
Memory Lane


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