Sunday, August 14, 2005

Cheeks roseate...

My cheeks flush when I see your picture
I hide it quickly before someone walks in
It's not that I am ashamed of you
But I cannot fathom trying to explain such beauty
and why my cheeks are so

Telephobia and an apple in my eye

Honestly, I don't know. I really did have my boxers on backwards and it was early in the morning. The rest came to me slowly as I felt around for the words...and this is what came up. Sometimes it's hard for me to admit things, and this was the only way I could voice it- or whatever feelings I may be stifling.

I knew I was out of sorts today
when I realized my boxers were on backwards
and I have an apple in my eye

"And love just like blood will always stain"

Beep, beep, beep
goes the pay phone
with the phone hanging off the hook
Talk, talk, talk
goes the robot
"If you'd like to make a call,
please hang up and try again."
Stunned, you don't remember the number
but luckily your fingers remember the motions
Boop beep boo bop bee deep doo dop bop beep boop
Ring, ring, ring
yells the telephone
you wait in anticipation,
choking on each breath
because you've forgotten how to breathe
Hello, hello, hello
goes the reciever
at a loss of words
you end up stumbling,
and tripping over what words find your mouth
Um, um, um
escapes your mouth.
What, what, what
they say impaciently.
Eyes wide, tougue tied
whispering with cheeks so red:
"I love you"

"Oh well," she thought, for the only hope she contained was what
remained unknown.

Oh well.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Sail away, sweet stranger.

I'm sorry I never knew you in the way I wish I could. You know me for my music, I know you as a lingering memory.

In bed, I held a stranger
as I pulled the covers up to keep her warm...
Only for a time, and it was a time long ago
Because currently I dont exist anymore.
Friend, love, foe
So quickly did our time fly by
For she kissed my lips to meet me
Before we even said 'hi'
I read her mouth like braille
only to find out we wouldn't be friends at all
No, we flew past that
with lust as our distraction
I didn't know what I was doing
I was still akward and naive
But nevertheless, it felt right
Even though everything was so new
Now it's in the past
Everything that has happened is done
She has long forgotten me
and has replaced me with someone else
The hurt makes no difference
but if there was anything I could say,
it'd simply be:
"Sail away, sweet stranger.
So quickly did our time fly by.
Such a shame I never met you;
But I do my best to comply"

All I know is what it feels like
with her body against mine
and a cool breeze on our bare shoulders
unprotected by the sheets
Or how I would run my finger up her spine
when her body became acquainted with mine
And how the shy clumsiness went away
with each time we made contact

Her name was Astarte...
a name that leaves you drunk with infatuation,
a headache, and a scar.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Never close enough

I can't stop thinking about you
So near but yet so far
Close but no cigar
Within arms reach, we pull close
We hold each other just the same...
but it's not the same.
And my heart beats through my chest
Knocking at yours like a door
Pounding in Morse Code, "I love you..."
with each beat meaning it more
Will your heart come out today?
Will your lasting presence be here to stay?
How much did it hurt let go?
It feels so long ago
but it was only this morning
And I sleep with my hands intertwined-
pretending that one of yours is in one of mine
I love you more than you could ever imagine
In a way you could never love the same.

EMergency affectiOn

I lie awake
The house settles beneath me
I try to get comfortable
but there's no way in hell
Or out of it, rather
So I log roll and shift
Curl up, stretch out
With thought after thought rolling in
like a constant storm
The wind whips around
and the rain keeps on pouring
The sight is overbearing
I just cannot see
I sway my head to and fro
in hopes to clear the clouds
These memories flood before me
Swimming toward any salvation,
I sink to the bottom
and drown in remorse.
I need a lover
to throw me a life savor
CPR, mouth to mouth...
emergency affection