Friday, April 21, 2006

Ze Frenzy

I don't even know what to say about this one...? But truth be told, Kenzie had nothing to do with this beside the fact that her name rhymes with frenzy lol. Oi oi oi, I can be so weird...

Frenzy frenzy
What a frenzy!
Beating people with baby seals
Drinking frappichinos while shocking eels
Eating old women’s kitten printed checks
Punching trick ponies in the necks
What is this?
A raccoon drenched in piss
Lit on fire
And shoved in a tire
Roll roll roll down the hill
What a thrill!
No wait—a frenzy, a frenzy
A true story by McKenzie.

Bauhaus 93

(This is what happens when I get bored in CWA and there is no photoshop for me to play with--you get more font poetry...)

Bauhaus 93
T’was the year of my vasectomy
No more babies
No more rabies
See man, see man,
You can no longer be free, man
These little guys have no where to go
Take a bow; it’s the end of the show
Bauhaus 93
Was the year of my vasectomy
What kind of man am I
When my masculine tubes are tied?

Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm no April Fool

It's raining and pouring
The folks up there are bowling
Lights are flashing
The ground is shaking
I hear you singing
Love will find a way

My eyes are heavy
My heart is full
I feel like driving
Westward, let's go
We will follow the setting sun
Watch the day in reverse
and grow younger

As King Kong, I will hold you in my palm
'Beautiful' you say
I pound my chest
For I am big and clumsy
but I mean well
And I love you

Sometimes I hear you sing softly to yourself
I smile because I know the words
And sometimes we sing together
Louder and louder, we don't even realize
One day we will be screaming the words
And we will fly to the moon

The moon, the moon, the blue light of the moon
We didn't talk and silently we both felt powerful
And like the moon, my chest was full

I want to watch the storm with you.
Go to the same park and sit on that same bench,
Watch the storm clouds roll in,
With you.
I want to run around wrapped in a blanket,
In the rain, getting wet on the way to a dry location and loving that inbetween time,
with you.
Flash crash goes the sky
We squeel in delight
We jump in the car and watch as rain floods the windshield
like an amazon waterfall
And turn on the heat to get rid of the cool shudder
of wet clothes and skin chilled by a strong wind
And I wish for the day to last forever

I love you I love you I love you
I love each and every one of you
I can't say it enough
Forever and infinity

And I know this has no structure
And I know it may not make sense
But I hope you find your part in this sceme of things,
Your little nook in my heart,
And remember that you can always find comfort there

It never ends

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Gypsy, gypsy in the night

Tonight I am a gypsy
Smoke is spiraling around my vicinity
And the smell of incense is in the air
A mysterious fog escapes my aura
Where did I come from?
What am I here for?
I dance in the moonlight without a care
And disappear into the night,
As quickly as I appear

Global Warming

Light the world on fire
Watch it burn, burn
Melt like wax onto my finger-tips
Drip, drip to the floor and harden
Pangea all over again
Let's start over